An Examination of Factors Determining Access to Free Primary Education in Mitaboni Zone, Kathiani Division, Machakos District, Kenya
With the re-introduction of the Free Primary Education (FPE) by the Kenyan Government in
January 2003, it was expected that all children of Primary school going age would be enrolled in
school. But, after the re-introduction of FPE there are still an estimated 2 million children and youth
who remain out of school. This raises concern. The purpose of the study was to examine the factors
determining access to FPE in Mitaboni zone, Kathiani division, Machakos district, Kenya. The
objectives of the study were to: find out the factors determining access to FPE; investigate on the
effect of factors on FPE and to establish the cause of action to be taken. The study adopted a
descriptive survey design. The Production Function Theory was used in the study. The units of
analysis were the Primary schools. Data was analyzed using descriptive techniques and zero order
correlation analysis. The findings of the study showed that the factors determining access in FPE in
Mitaboni zone were: school financial obligations, poverty and malnutrition, cultural factors
overcrowded classes, pregnancies, early marriages and child labour demands. It was discovered that
the multiple correlation, between the independent variables and the FPE was 0.999 and the coefficient
of multiple determination, R2, was 0.997.Conclusions drawn from the study showed that
FPE in Mitaboni zone is yet to be realized. It was recommended that the Government should
provide relevant curriculum, physical facilities and bear all the costs of Primary education, double
streaming of schools and punishing of Parents who do not take their children to school. There is a
corresponding need for more research in this area in other zones and similar comparative study
between urban and rural zones.
- Master of Education [29]