Management of Flash Floods in Marigat Sub County, Baringo County, Kenya

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Kiptim, Julius K.
Michura, Eliud
Koskei, Ednah
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Flash flood is a natural disaster caused by the sudden onset of rainfall resulting in runoff waters from high to low altitude areas. This runoff waters leads to loss of lives, destruction of property, and environment; a problem experienced by residents of Marigat Sub-County. The purpose of the study was to investigate the management strategies of flash floods in Marigat Sub-County. The study used descriptive research management practices of flash floods on qualitative and quantitative methods. The target population was 120,263 people with 24,893 households. Purposive sampling method for three locations which were Ilng’arua, Ng’ambo and Salabani experiencing flash floods with a population of 13,885 translating to 3168 households, from which a sample size of 355 respondents was obtained. Stratified proportionate random sampling method was used to select household heads for the survey. Purposive sampling method was adopted for identifying key informants and one disaster management officer. Primary and secondary data were used. Questionnaires, key informants interview schedules, and observations were used to collect data. The validity of the study was achieved through the construction of relevant instruments to the objective of the study. To ensure reliability, piloting of the questionnaire was done and results obtained were 0.76 Cronbach’s alpha level. Collected data were coded and analysed using the SPSS software, where descriptive and inferential statistics were generated to test the study hypothesis. The findings of this study will be beneficial to Baringo County and the Kenyan government in the management of flash floods and the achievement of sustainable development goals.
- Publications 2019 [82]